Name: Md Fazlul haque
Profile: full stack developer
Phone: (47) 48670663
Objective C 85%Currently I am studying M.Sc Engineering in Computational Engineering at University of Stavanger and I have more than 4 years experience in Software Industry. I am also continuing a part time job as a Research Assistance at IEP department at UiS. My main focus on iOS application and backend development.
I have worked as an iOS developer for more that 3 Years and developed more than 15 iOS applications those are available on App Store. Recently I have worked in an accounting application named Sanchay App.
I have used Objective C and Swift as a programming language. Also, I have experience in Web Application Development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.
My previos work experiences included here
February 2016 - August 2020
Grameen Solutions Ltd.
Worked as an iOS Mobile Application developer and Backend developer.
July 2018 - Continuing
Work on JANAO App which is an App for TB notification.
February 2014 - January 2016
UTC Associates Pvt. Ltd.
Mobile application development, testing and identifying the technical problems.
May 2013 - February 2014
IT Grow Division Ltd.
Works on the CodeIgniter (A Fully Baked PHP Framework) Framework. Main project was Ajax SpreadSheet
April 2019 - Continuing
Here I am making content for youtube related to iOS and mobile application development.
February 2016 - August 2020
Axway Software
This is an American publicly held information technology company where I worked as a Technical Support Engineer.
AWARD WONYou can see my previous work details on following section. Thanks
You can get more applications which developed by myself using Fazlul haque on search section in iTunes. Thanks
‘Janao’ can help inclusion of the estimated number of missing TB cases for treatment and management.
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
I am trying to write some blog as well as some videos on youtube.